Small Heading Libre Baskerville 20pt
Page Title
Page Title - Cinzel 32pt Bold; centered; Position Y= 205
This page will be hidden and will contain web assets that can be copied and pasted onto other pages.
Tabs - Preset design; fill color background: 100% 4th blue #054C9E, dropdown 3rd blue 5E87B6; text Open Sans Condensed 16pt white; HOVER background 2nd blue 8CABCF; CLICKED background 3rd red FA0021; spacing 5px.
Buttons - Fill 100% Black; Border 0px; Corner 20px; Shadow 0deg, distance 2px, size 2px, blur 4px, 100% black; Text: white; Large Heading: Cinzel 24pt; button height 40px as of 11/13/16
Para1 Theme Open Sans, char sp -0.01, line space 1.2, color 02264F dark blue
Page Title 20pt wh
White box at rear: W 200 x H 235; 100% white; no border, no rounded edges; Shadow: black, 330 deg, distance 8px, size 0 px, blur 4px;
Image: W 200 x H 125px; line up with box
Ribbon: med blue 5E875H; W 236 x H 50; back of ribbon dark red 53000B; text Page Title theme but 20pt Bold White;
Text: Paragraph 2 theme - three lines exactly
A white box to go behind text:
background 80% white;
bottom shadow - 0degrees; distance 6px;
size 0px; blur 4px; opacity 60% black
A white box to go behind text:
background 80% white;
bottom and right side shadow - 330degrees; distance 8px;
size 0px; blur 4px; opacity 60% black
Site Title (OPEN SANS, 50PT)
Page Title
Cinzel 32pt bold
Huge Heading
Large Heading
use for buttons
Cinzel 24pt
Basic Heading
Small Heading - use for text on pages with Page titles- Libre Baskerville 16pt, black, not bold
Paragraph 1 (OPEN SANS, 18PT)
PARAGRAPH 2 - USE FOR Paragraph text when basic and lots of content: Open Sans 15pt, Character Space -0.01, Line spacing 1.2, color dark blue 02264F 11/13/16
Paragraph 3
Newsletters Button - 125wide x 30high; background 50% white; border 4th blue 3px; corners 8; no shadow; text black Spinnaker 15pt; hover fill 4th blue 100%; border 1st blue 3px; text white
I am real happy that a prime function of the club is to get local kids skiing and skating that might otherwise never do it. ~ Rick Ray